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"The Pornlite Sessions"

  • Recorded by Rocky and Jason at Pornlite Studios 2000-2001.
  • Produced & Mixed by Rocky and Gavin.
  • Cover art drawn with a black marker.
  • Converted to Mp3 by Duff and Gru.
  • 500 copies sold.
  • Released on 2000-2001

Gru eats a long piece of poo

Pornlite Studios was originally located in Oakliegh.  Demos for the tracks "T", "To Catch a King" and "Runaway" were recorded here.  The studio then moved to Mt. Waverley, where  the tracks "Wednesday", "Play to Lose", a second and third shot at "Runaway", and "3 minutes and thirty three seconds" were tracked as demos  in preparation for the recording of the yet to be released self titled E.P.  This little write up taken from the Victorian Bed and Breakfast Guide sums up the studio..

            "....Surrounded by the vast hills and gully's of the Waverley's, Pornlite Studios has it all.  Check out the views of the Monash Freeway from the Huntingdale Rd overpass, chuck rocks at on-coming traffic, hang out in the control room with the boys, eat all the hosts' food, and drink all their beer, fight more and record less, don't tidy up after yourself, sleep on their comfy couches, use all Gavins' gear, play counter-strike on Rock's computer and much, much more..." And, "....for the band on a budget, Pornlite Studios is the studio choice for you...."

Little known facts..

  • During its short stay at Oakliegh, Pornlite Studio recorded their vocals in the toilet.  On some early Gavin outakes, Peter can actually be heard laying a brown baby....
  • Bad microphone and mattress placement caused Rocky's bed to fall on top of a very expensive microphone! Ouch :)
  • The computer and monitor system in the control room also made a great entertainment unit, particularly for playing Diablo 2 and Quake 3.
The "Pornlite Studio" Story...
Anyone interested enough in music and who can get a big, fat loan from their bank will dream about owning their own recording studio.  The funny thing is, Duff and Rock actually made this dream come true......
The Famous "Pornlite Studios First Recording Session Party" Story...
As all famous recording studio stories go, Pornlite celebrated their first recording ever, with the party of....the weekend!  With cheap beer, bad music, cheap wine, bad bbq food, un-invited guests, explicit sex scenes, violence and one very big, fat cigar, this was a party to forget.

Jason cops a stake through the back of the head.


"I am Dirty Sanchez and I will not be denied!"

Rocky prepares to cough up a lung..

Enough is enough already!! What is that thing!!